Dr. Jacob Keeling

Founder of Soccer Rehab

I am a sports physical therapist based in Washington State and I specialize in working with soccer (football) players. My education includes a BS in clinical physiology and exercise science, doctor of physical therapy (DPT), and FIFA diploma in football medicine. I began Soccer Rehab in order to provide soccer players with specific step by step guides to prevent and recover from injury, as well as improve performance on the field. 

I have been playing soccer for decades and I know first-hand how frustrating it can be dealing with frequent injuries and not being able to train and compete without pain. I’m sure we all know of professional or amateur footballers who never reached that next level, or whose careers were cut short due to recurrent muscle, tendon, or ligament issues. I believe we can do better as rehab providers, and I hope these guides and resources help you stay on the pitch and reach your full potential!

Feel free to drop to a message here, or you can email me with suggestions or topics you would like to see covered in the future.
